There are many, many expenses involved in undertaking a project the size that has taken on.

In order to better research and understand the Harpy Eagle, many pieces to the Conservation puzzle must fall in line, just right, in order to be successful.  These include things such as purchasing, updating, and maintaining technology, including laptops and tablets for field research, GPS units for tracking eagles and their nests, field communication devices among personnel, safe climbing gear to move around the rainforest canopy, and much (so much!) more. This is where your generous contribution to the HECP comes in, and will put to good use.

Administration fees are minimal at We don’t have any marketing campaigns or celebrity endorsements. We don’t have t-shirts plastered with our logo everywhere. Nothing. 99% of contributions we receive go directly to the fulfillment of our Mission –  the protection, conservation, and preservation of the Harpy Eagle and its natural habitat.

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Donation Total: $20.00 is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation, incorporated initially in Utah but is now headquartered in Florida. All donations are tax-exempt and we will include all necessary documentation for your tax purposes.
Further documentation can be found here: Current UT certification, Current FL certification.